Why you should participate in extracurricular activities when learning Spanish?
Whatever the reason you decide to learn a new language, you want to be able to learn it quickly and easily. Learning Spanish with us is always easier and more fun.
Learning a new language can be complicated because you need to study new words. You need to know how to write words properly. You have to learn how to say those words correctly, etc. But, this doesn’t mean can’t have extra activities you can do to improve.
Learning Spanish should not be a long and tedious process. In addition to the hard work and effort required to learn a language as a second language, at EPA! Español de Panamá we have specialized techniques for the schematic learning of the Spanish language.
We have a methodology based on communication. It consists of providing the student with all the elements and archetypes of communication to create organic responses. Understanding that each language provides a new way of seeing the world.
How do these activities help the student on learning Spanish?
In Spanish, we have many ways of expressing the same concept. Therefore, we encourage students NOT to translate everything literally, but to use the tools they have to create similar concepts.
That is why integration activities are important for the student’s language development. They force him out of his comfort zone and confront him with new forms of expression that are valid for the Spanish language.
Crazy Hat Day
In the Crazy Hat Day activity, each student brought a strange hat and presented it to the others. The study will explain their hats and why they were crazy.
If experience has shown us anything, it is that interactions between students of different levels are always beneficial. Even the interactions of students from different cultures learning Spanish have greatly impacted learning.
This activity is a great benefit for students because it activates creativity. The students are divided into two teams, that will face each other in challenges.
Some of the games have to do with word association, recognizing errors in sentences, and being able to express an idea with mimics or drawings. In short, a rally of creative board games results in an advance in understanding Spanish.
But above all these reasons, one of the main reasons to participate in extracurricular activities when you learn Spanish is the idea of being part of something. People want to blend in. The students should be able to understand the culture. The learner must seek to be part of a herd. Competition is good for the students, regardless of their ages. The desire to compete is always there. The feeling of success is good. Be successful in speaking Spanish.
Online games to improve your learning Spanish experience.
Online games to learn Spanish: https://www.spanish-games.net/spanishgames
More free games to practice Spanish: https://www.lifewire.com/free-spanish-games-1357049
Is easier to learn something while having fun. So make sure that wherever you learn Spanish is a smart school. A place with integrity and equipped with many teaching techniques, like us.
Besides these types of activities we have cultural, social and adventure activities as well
Activities in Panama City: https://studyspanishinpanama.com/weekly-activities-panama-city/
Activities in Boquete: https://studyspanishinpanama.com/weekly-activities-boquete-town/
Do not repeat the Spanish language from memory, live it.